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美國On Libido 增強性慾膏

販売済み: 16


美國On Libido 增強性慾膏 HK$428 《有改善功效,增強性慾和性能力》59ml 性冷男/增強性能力專用! 用法: 每日一次,搽在大腿內側/手脾內側/肚腩其中一個地方,連續60天,可調整荷爾蒙,改善性冷感/早洩/硬度不足等的問題,純天然成份,無副作用! Joyce姐教路:如果有個性冷男友,可以每日偷偷幫佢搽下手脾內側/肚腩/大腿內側,60日後就可以有一個性慾男友啦 ON Sex Drive for Him With ON SEX DRIVE FOR HIM, men can now regain their youthful sex drive, as well as increase their sexual function, performance, and satisfaction. This is made possible through our powerful transdermal formula. This formula uses highly refined liposomes which carry potent bio-active nutrients directly into the blood stream. 2 oz 2 x 2 x 2 in
