

美國On Libido 增強性慾膏《改善用》


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美國On Libido 增強性慾膏 HK$428《增強性慾》 50ml 性冷女專用! 用法: 每日一次,搽在大腿內則/手脾/肚腩其中一個地方,連續60天,可調整荷爾蒙,改善性冷感的問題,純天然成份,無副作用! Joyce姐教路:如果有個性冷女友,可以每日偷偷幫佢搽下手脾內側/肚腩/大腿內側,60日後就可以有一個慾女啦 ON Libido ON LIBIDO is formulated to support a woman’s healthy sexual response and desire. It naturally corrects imbalances that may be robbing a woman of her desire for sexual intimacy. In other words, it helps women get their mojo back! WHY IS ON LIBIDO IMPORTANT FOR A WOMAN? Feeling turned on and wanting sex is part of a woman’s natural state of well-being. When she feels turned on and her internal sexual desire is present, she feels sexy, alive and passionate about ALL aspects of her life. To a woman losing that desire is like losing a part of herself. HOW COULD ON LIBIDO HELP COUPLES? ON Libido can help couples feel more connected. Couples often fear that if one or both of them lose their desire for sexual activity, there is something wrong with their relationship emotionally. That would be a terrible mistake if the cause was actually something physiological that could be easily fixed. Using ON Libido helps women naturally correct internal imbalances and regain their sexual desire. • Increases sexual desire and arousal naturally • Increases blood flow to the vaginal area • Makes her more sensitive to stimulation • Helps balance her hormones • Helps boost energy and elevate mood • Made with natural ingredients • The airless pump is hygienic and preserves the formula’s potency • It is not a personal lubricant • Glycerin and Paraben-free • No artificial dyes, perfumes, or harsh preservatives
